Academic Publications
Märtz Johanna, Camilla Wikenros, Aimee Tallian, Rick Heeres (2024). ClusterApp: A Shiny R application to guide and streamline cluster studies based on GPS data. Ecology and Evolution. 14, e11695.
Tallian, Aimee, Jenny Mattisson, Fredrik Stenbacka, Wiebke Neumann, Anders Johansson, Ole Gunnar Støen, Jonas Kindberg (2023). Nature Note: Proximity-sensors on GPS collars reveal fine-scale predator-prey behavior during a predation event: A case study from Scandinavia. Ecology and Evolution, 13(12), e10750.
Tallian, Aimee, Jenny Mattisson, Gustaf Samelius, John Odden, Charudutt Mishra, John D.C. Linnell, Purevjav Lkhagvajav, Örjan Johansson (2023). Wild versus domestic prey: Variation in the foraging behavior of two large felids. Global Ecology and Conservation 47(2023):e02650.
Tallian, Aimee, Ole Gunnar Støen, Bart Immerzeel, Jonas Kindberg, Andrés Ordiz, Lars Thomas Persson, Peter Segerström, Anna Skarin, Rune Stokke, Torkild Tveraa, Birgitta Åhman, Jens Frank (2023). The cost of large carnivore conservation for traditional ways of living: A case study on the efficacy of bear-reindeer predation mitigation measures. Ecosphere 14(6):e4564.
Wikenros, Camilla, Cecilia Di Bernardi, Barbara Zimmermann, Mikael Åkesson, Maike Demski, Øystein Flagstad, Jenny Mattisson, Aimee Tallian, Petter Wabakken, & Håkan Sand. (2023). Scavenging patterns of an inbred wolf population in a landscape with a pulse of human-provided carrion. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10236.
Støen, Ole-Gunnar, Therese Ramberg Sivertsen, Aimee Tallian, Geir Rune Rauset, Jonas Kindberg, Lars-Thomas Persson, Rune Stokke, Anna Skarin, Peter Segerström, and Jens Frank (2022). Brown bear predation on semi-domesticated reindeer and depredation compensations: Do the numbers add up? Global Ecology and Conservation. e02168
Tallian, Aimee, Andrés Ordiz, Matthew C. Metz, Barbara Zimmermann, Camilla Wikenros, Douglas W. Smith, Daniel R. Stahler, Petter Wabakken, Jon E. Swenson, Håkan Sand, Jonas Kindberg (2022). Of wolves and bears: Seasonal drivers of competition between apex predators. Ecological Monographs. 92(2): e1498.
Tallian, Aimee, Andrés Ordiz, Barbara Zimmermann, Håkan Sand, Camilla Wikenros, Petter Wabakken, Göran Bergqvist, Jonas Kindberg (2021). The return of large carnivores: Using citizen science to understand the role of predation on ungulate populations. Global Ecology and Conservation. 27, e01587.
Klich, Daniel, Maria Sobczuk, Sayantani M Basak, Izabela A Wierzbowska, Aimee Tallian, Magdalena Hędrzak, Bartłomiej Popczyk, Krzysztof Żoch (2021). Predation on livestock as an indicator of drastic prey decline? A case study on the effects of an African swine fever outbreak on predator-prey relations in Poland. Ecological Indicators
Thulin, C-G, Alexander Winiger, Aimee G Tallian, Jonas Kindberg (2021). A regime shift in hare populations is threatening the native mountain hare subspecies Lepus timidus sylvaticus (Heath Hare). Journal for Nature Conservation. 126069,
van Moorter, Bram, Navinder J. Singh, Christer M. Rolandsen, Erling J. Solberg, Holger Dettki, Jyrki Pusenius, Johan Månsson, Håkan Sand, Jos M. Milner, Ole Roer, Wiebke Neumann, Göran Ericsson, Aimee Tallian, and Atle Mysterud (2021). Density-dependent habitat selection explains partial migration in European moose. Oikos.
Milleret, Cyril, Andrés Ordiz, Harry Peter Andreassen, Jonas Kindberg, Johan Månsson, Aimee Tallian, Petter Wabakken, Camilla Wikenros, Barbara Zimmermann, Jon E Swenson, Håkan Sand (2019). Not in my back yard; habitat selection and niche overlap between two sympatric apex predators, brown bears and gray wolves. Ecology and Evolution. 1-17. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4572
Tallian, Aimee, Douglas W. Smith, Daniel R. Stahler, Matthew C. Metz, Rick Wallen, Chris Geremia, C. Travis Wyman, Joel Ruprecht, Daniel R. MacNulty (2017). Predator foraging response to a resurgent dangerous prey. Functional Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.12866
Tallian, Aimee, Andrés Ordiz, Matthew C. Metz, Cyril Milleret, Camilla Wikenros, Douglas W. Smith, Daniel R. Stahler, Jonas Kindberg, Daniel R. MacNulty, Petter Wabakken, Jon E. Swenson, Håkan Sand (2017). Competition between apex predators? Brown bears decrease wolf kill rate on two continents. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284 (1848). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2368
Tingley, Reid, Peter Mahoney Andrew Durso, Aimee Tallian, Alejandra Morán-Ordóñez, Karen Beard (2016). Threatened and invasive reptiles are not two sides of the same coin: Extinction and invasion risk in reptiles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25(9):1050-1060. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12462
Mahoney, Peter J., Karen H. Beard, Andrew M. Durso, Aimee G. Tallian, A. Lexine Long, Ryan J. Kindermann, Nicole E. Nolan, Daniel Kinka, Harrison E. Mohn (2015). Introduction effort, climate matching, and species traits as predictors of global establishment success in non-native reptiles. Diversity and Distributions 21(1):64-74. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12240
MacNulty, Daniel R., Aimee G. Tallian, Daniel R. Stahler, Douglas W. Smith (2014). Influence of group size on the success of wolves hunting bison. PlosOne 9(11):1-8. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112884
Non-Academic Publications
Fox, Joseph L., Raghunandan S. Chundawat, Shannon Kachel, Aimee Tallian, Örjan Johansson. (2024). Chapter 2: What is a snow leopard? Behavior and Ecology. In: T. McCarthy and D. Mallon (Editors) Snow Leopards. Academic Press.
Aimee Tallian, Paolo Ciucci, Cyril Milleret, Douglas Smith, Daniel Stahler, Camilla Wikenros, Andres Ordiz (in press). Chapter 3: Wolves in a human world: Social dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere’s most iconic social carnivore. In: M. Srinivasan and B. Würsig (Editors) Social strategies of carnivorous mammalian predators: Hunting and surviving as families. Springer-Nature.
Ordiz, Andres, Miha Krofel, Cyril Milleret, Aimee Tallian, Ole Stoen, Jonas Kindberg, Therese Sivertsen, Håkan Sand, Jon Swenson. (2020). Chapter 4: Interspecific interactions between brown bears, ungulates and other large carnivores. In: V. Penteriani and M. Melletti (Editors) Bears of the World. Cambridge University Press.
Metz, Matthew, Douglas Smith, Daniel Stahler, Daniel MacNulty, Mark Hebblewhite, Aimee Tallian, John Vucetich. (2020). Chapter 12: Prey Selection. D.W. Smith, D.R. Stahler, & D.R. MacNulty (Editors). Yellowstone wolves: science and discovery in the world’s first national park. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Stahler, Daniel, Chris Wilmers, Aimee Tallian,Toni Ruth, Matthew Metz, Colby Anton, Douglas Smith, Kerry Gunther, Daniel MacNulty. (2020). Chapter 17: Yellowstone’s meat eaters: coexistence and competition among the carnivore and scavenger guilds. D.W. Smith, D.R. Stahler, & D.R. MacNulty (Editors). Yellowstone wolves: science and discovery in the world’s first national park. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.​
Tallian, Aimee, Tom Bouyer (2019). Expedition Science: Expedition 1 the Great Barrier Reef. Educational afterschool science and ecology program for children. Funded in part by Utah State University. Our World of Wildlife, Inc. Available at
Tallian, Aimee (2017). Sophie the Sea Otter (Book 1 – Our World of Wildlife Series). Booklocker. St. Petersburg, FL. Funded in part by the Ecology Center at Utah State University.